Architectural Bronze

Seeking to revive and preserve a strong architectural tradition, Les Metalliers Champenois has been developing its use of bronze as a construction and decoration material for more than 15 years. LMC has created several lines of bronze profiles which allow the manufacturing of a large variety bronze windows, doors, curtain walls and decorative works.

Every project requires the development of personalised textures and patinas that meet the architects' and decorators’ expectations. In an attempt to continuously improve our products and procedures, and with the goal to better answer requests relevant to professional challenges, we devote substantial time and means  to research & development. We are now holding several international patents for our products. We have successfully passed the ASTM test for air, water and wind load. We are also developing   the range of our custom bronze hardware which is tested in our trial bank for cyclic dynamic use (100,000 to 400,000 movements).
